1. Fill out our Medical Waiver
Firstly you will need to fill out our medical waiver on the Join Us page of our website.
Please select all that apply to you when asked if pre-natal, post-natal, and I have medical permission.
Please tick the required fields for the medical waiver and accepting the terms and conditions.
2. Pick your Membership package
You will then be directed to our Membership options so please pick which package you would like access to.
3. Confirm your package by Subscribing
Once you have picked your Membership options, you will then be directed to the subscribe page.
Then click Subscribe.
4. Create your account
You will need to create an account before paying. If you are planning to pay monthly, please don’t be alarmed by the Annual Payment Summary option, you can change this to monthly payments after your account is created.
5. Chose your payment option
Chose whether you would like to pay annually or monthly by using the drop-down option shown.
Single annual payment of £285.
Or monthly. For a monthly payment, please choose 12 monthly payments of £25.
Please note that this sets you up to use the Virtual Studio monthly at £25 a month BUT you are not committed to twelve months and can cancel at any time as per our terms & conditions.
6. Add your payment details
Enter your card details and again accept the terms & conditions. Once entered, your account will be active and ready to go.
You will recieve a confirmation email.
7. Log in via our website or your confirmation email
Bookmark our website on your browser, as you can only access your membership through our site.
Use the Login button on our website to access your membership.
Please let us know if you have any other questions by emailing